Act III: I Feel Better; or, This Story Can Only Get Better From Here

There have been a surprising number of customers in the store today. It feels kinda good helping all these people to achieve their fabric-based dreams; I beweave in them (as in, 'believe', and 'weave', as in, with thread; I just love a good pun, don't you?) and know in my heart that they can do anything they want.

That crimson spectre has not appeared again since that first day. I suppose I should just try to put her out of my mind completely; there's no real chance that she'd come back, especially since she didn't buy anything the first time. She probably couldn't find what she needed, and so is looking around in other stores. This doesn't negate my vague sense of dread and paranoia, though. I'll just have to get used to it, probably.

More customers are coming in, so I'll get back to you later, dear readers.
